Office Hours

Join the Talent Development Team for a 30-minute Office Hours session covering the MOMENTS Mentoring Program. There will be two sessions prior to Match Group Four application window: Tuesday, September 24th and Thursday, September 26th. During office hours, we will provide a high-level overview of the of the mentoring program and the application process, and […]

Office Hours

Join the Talent Development Team for a 30-minute Office Hours session covering the MOMENTS Mentoring Program. There will be two sessions prior to Match Group Four application window: Tuesday, September 24th and Thursday, September 26th. During office hours, we will provide a high-level overview of the of the mentoring program and the application process, and […]

Application Window: Match Group Four

To join Match Group Four, team members can submit their NEW mentee and mentor applications within the quarterly application window. Application Window for NEW Mentees and Mentors: September 30 – October 11 Supervisor Review Window: October 14 – 18 Mentees receive their Suggested Matches: October 29 MATCH GROUP FOUR BEGINS: November 4

Mentee and Mentor Training

Join the Talent Development Team for MOMENTS Mentee and Mentor Training. During this virtual training, we’ll review program details in-depth, discuss expectations for mentors and mentees, and answer your questions. REGISTER HERE: MOMENTS Mentee and Mentor Training Registration

Mentee and Mentor Training

Join the Talent Development Team for MOMENTS Mentee and Mentor Training. During this virtual training, we’ll review program details in-depth, discuss expectations for mentors and mentees, and answer your questions. REGISTER HERE: MOMENTS Mentee and Mentor Training Registration

Supervisor Reviews Due

Supervisors must review all NEW mentee and mentor applications by 10/18/2024 in order for their team members to be a part of Match Group 4. Supervisor Approval Click-Step Guide

Suggested Match Email sent to Mentees

On Tuesday, October 29th, mentees will receive a list of suggested mentor matches. The MOMENTS program algorithm matches mentees and mentors based on career and soft skills selected in their applications. *If a mentee chooses not to select one of the suggested mentors, they can search for mentors on the MOMENTS website. Click Step Guides […]


Office Hours

Join the Talent Development Team for a 30-minute Office Hours session covering the MOMENTS Mentoring Program. There will be two virtual sessions prior to the Match Group Five application window: Tuesday, December 10th and Thursday, December 12th. During office hours, we will provide a high-level overview of the of MOMENTS and the application process and […]

Office Hours

Join the Talent Development Team for a 30-minute Office Hours session covering the MOMENTS Mentoring Program. There will be two virtual sessions prior to the Match Group Five application window: Tuesday, December 10th and Thursday, December 12th. During office hours, we will provide a high-level overview of the of MOMENTS and the application process and […]

Match Group Five Application Window

To join MOMENTS Match Group Five, team members can submit their NEW mentee and mentor applications within the quarterly application window. IMPORTANT DATES: Application Window for NEW Mentees and Mentors: January 2nd - January 16th Supervisor Review Window: January 17th to January 24th Mentees receive their Suggested Matches: February 4th MATCH GROUP FIVE BEGINS: FEBRUARY […]

Mentee and Mentor Training

Join the Talent Development Team for Mentee and Mentor Training for new mentees and mentors, or as a refresher for current participants! During this one-hour virtual training, we’ll review program details in-depth, discuss expectations for mentors and mentees, take a tour of the website and its features, and answer your questions. REGISTER HERE: MOMENTS Mentee and […]